Monday, February 3, 2014

Have You Already Given Up on Your New Year's Resolution?

"My goal for 2014 is to accomplish the goals of 2013, which I should have done in 2012, because I promised them in 2011 and planned them in 2010."

I apologize for the minor hiatus I took from the Wellness Goddess blog. I have just gone back to college for the Spring semester of my sophomore year, and it has been a crazy transition. Anyway, the break I have taken should have given you extra time to commit to your new year's resolutions, but has it? Where do your resolutions stand as of now? I bet they are where most resolutions end up. They end up not completed and entirely deserted by January third.

I would say to this that you never gave your resolution a fair shot. It takes 21 days to create a habit, and if you think it is too hard before then, you should motivate yourself with the knowledge that it will get easier as it becomes a part of your routine. It just takes longer than a couple days to be completely implemented. My suggestion to you is to put 21 post-it notes in a high-traffic area for you. Your goal is to be able to take one down each day. You must set some criteria for yourself though. For example, you must do 30 minutes of exercise, or you must drink 8 cups of water etc. If you do not complete your goal you cannot remove the post-it and therefore also, need to start over at day one. Each time you see these post-its it should give you an added incentive to reach your goal, and each time you remove a post-it you should see it as a mini-victory.

My proposition for you is to no longer call this your "New Year's Resolution." The common thought that follows a comment made about New Year's Resolutions is that they never last. Make the thing that you want most your Life Resolution. You have heard me say that these wellness goals you have are lifestyle changes, not temporary fads. The word resolution means "to make a firm decision to do something." So make that decision in your mind, body and spirit. Finally, resolve to change your style of life and follow through, not just for the new year.

My new Wellness Goddess movement is to take back February. Do not make it a month to regret your failed resolutions and fill up on heart-shaped candy. Use this month to motivate yourself and getting moving toward your goal. Take Back February and forget about New Year's Resolutions; move onto Life Resolutions.

 Thank you for reading my blog, and again, I am sorry for the break I took. For now on I will be posting Tuesday, Thursday and Sunday each week. Please share my blog with your friends and comment back with any thoughts you have!