"Given enough coffee, I could rule the world."
Coffee has a really bad reputation, but ever since I watched my first episode of Gilmore Girls I knew I would be a coffee drinker. Lorelei and Rory's obsession with coffee is what made me want to try it, and now I am hooked. I used to think it was unhealthy, and only should be consumed when you are intending to endulge. However, there has been more recent research that shows that coffee isn't really that bad, and in fact, there could be some benefits.
The first benefit is probably the one that you will be most excited about. Coffee has been proven to boost a person's metabolism by anywhere from 3-11%. Also, coffee specifically has been shown to increase your fat burning capabilities by 10% in obese people and up to 29% in lean people. Its really a great way to increase your energy and a great way help make your body work for you, without you having to put in a lot of extra work.
The second benefit is that black coffee is one of your lowest calorie beverages. Now, black coffee probably doesn't sound that appealing to most of you, but I have a way around this. If you always had cream and sugar to your coffee, instead try adding some skim or 1% milk and some sugar free flavor syrup. The sugar free Torani Vanilla syrup has 0 calories per serving (1 oz.) and 0 grams of fat. Adding a splash of this can allow you to enjoy your coffee without adding a ton of high-calorie creamers and sugar.
A third benefit is that it could actually improve physical performance. Caffeine increases the amount of Epinephrine in your bloodstream. This hormone is what gives your body the "fight or flight" response, and therefore prepares your body for intense physical action. Also, since caffeine breaks down fat and pulls it into the bloodstream, making it available as an energy source, it makes exercise after drinking coffee very effective.
The fourth benefit you should be aware of is that it has many essential nutrients.
-Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): 11% of the RDA.
-Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5): 6% of the RDA.
-Manganese and Potassium: 3% of the RDA.
-Magnesium and Niacin (B3): 2% of the RDA.
It does not have large amounts of these nutrients, however, every little bit counts! Also, with the other benefits considered, it is just another great effect.
The fifth, and final benefit that I will mention, is that coffee has been shown to decrease a person's chance of getting Dimentia, Alzhiemers, Parkinsons, certain types of cancer, and depression. The types of cancer it helps decrease your risk of are liver cancer and colorectal cancer. Coffee is very impressive in its capabilities. However, no, coffee will not prevent these diseases but it just goes to show that coffee is not all bad.
In addition, coffee is the number one source of antioxidants among Western cultures. The benefits go on and on. But the key is MODERATION. As with everything in life, you shouldn't have too much of a good thing. Also, do not take this post as an excuse to buy a 500-calorie frappuccino everyday!
The first benefit is probably the one that you will be most excited about. Coffee has been proven to boost a person's metabolism by anywhere from 3-11%. Also, coffee specifically has been shown to increase your fat burning capabilities by 10% in obese people and up to 29% in lean people. Its really a great way to increase your energy and a great way help make your body work for you, without you having to put in a lot of extra work.
The second benefit is that black coffee is one of your lowest calorie beverages. Now, black coffee probably doesn't sound that appealing to most of you, but I have a way around this. If you always had cream and sugar to your coffee, instead try adding some skim or 1% milk and some sugar free flavor syrup. The sugar free Torani Vanilla syrup has 0 calories per serving (1 oz.) and 0 grams of fat. Adding a splash of this can allow you to enjoy your coffee without adding a ton of high-calorie creamers and sugar.
A third benefit is that it could actually improve physical performance. Caffeine increases the amount of Epinephrine in your bloodstream. This hormone is what gives your body the "fight or flight" response, and therefore prepares your body for intense physical action. Also, since caffeine breaks down fat and pulls it into the bloodstream, making it available as an energy source, it makes exercise after drinking coffee very effective.
The fourth benefit you should be aware of is that it has many essential nutrients.
-Riboflavin (Vitamin B2): 11% of the RDA.
-Pantothenic Acid (Vitamin B5): 6% of the RDA.
-Manganese and Potassium: 3% of the RDA.
-Magnesium and Niacin (B3): 2% of the RDA.
It does not have large amounts of these nutrients, however, every little bit counts! Also, with the other benefits considered, it is just another great effect.
The fifth, and final benefit that I will mention, is that coffee has been shown to decrease a person's chance of getting Dimentia, Alzhiemers, Parkinsons, certain types of cancer, and depression. The types of cancer it helps decrease your risk of are liver cancer and colorectal cancer. Coffee is very impressive in its capabilities. However, no, coffee will not prevent these diseases but it just goes to show that coffee is not all bad.
In addition, coffee is the number one source of antioxidants among Western cultures. The benefits go on and on. But the key is MODERATION. As with everything in life, you shouldn't have too much of a good thing. Also, do not take this post as an excuse to buy a 500-calorie frappuccino everyday!
Below are my sources. Do not forget to comments and share my blog!! Also check out the new daily challenge! Thank you!
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