Saturday, January 4, 2014

The Perfect Workout for Toning and Weight Loss

"My New Year's Resolution is to stick to a good workout plan that will keep me happy and healthy"
                                                -James Lafferty

Above is a screen shot I took off of some twitter account. I do that a lot actually. I follow all types of health and fitness twitter accounts and screen shot practically everything. Most of these pictures I do not end up using and they end up just using up memory on my phone, however this one was different. I tried this workout one day and got attached. It looks like your basic workout, but there are reasons why I think this is the best all-encompassing workout.

My first reason is that it is convenient. Lets be honest, working out is normally a hassle. Finding time to drive to the gym or trying to find the perfect outfit that is socially acceptable to run outside in is difficult. We are very busy people and this workout makes it more realistic for us to do consistently. This workout does not require you to have a lot of room to do it and you can do it in your pajamas if you want.

The second reason this workout is so great is that it is a pretty good way to get your cardio in. No, I don't think is quite enough cardio for the day. You should probably try to do a little more than this, but if you only have 15-20 minutes to workout per day, then doing this is perfect because your heart rate will increase during this exercise.

The third reason I love this workout is because of its toning aspect. Toning is the main goal this workout was formed around. It will tone hamstrings, quads, butt, deltoids, triceps, biceps, calfs, pecs, and abs. I don't know what else you would want from a short workout!

With this workout, if you do it four times a week with stretching and a little extra cardio, I promise you will see results. Keep up with this for a few weeks and your body will feel body and you will notice toning has already begun. For me, after only three weeks I could tell my arms were stronger and so were my abs. So, start today! It is our daily challenge so try it out and comment back telling me how it went for you! Have fun!

ON ANOTHER NOTE: I will be beginning my first review of a popular diet, starting tomorrow. Most days I will put in the right margin of the page how it went for me that day and my thoughts on it. I am going to try the Paleo Diet. It is a very popular right now and has many aspects of it that sound appealing. If you would like to try it with me refer to photo and links I put beneath this section.

Finally, I hope you enjoyed today's post. Comment and let me know and questions or thoughts you may have on this topic. Thank you!

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