Thursday, January 16, 2014

The Battle with Your Self-Image

“Before you diagnose yourself with depression or low self-esteem, first make sure that you are not, in fact, just surrounded by a**holes.”                  -Steven Winterburn

I apologize for the profanity in the quote above, however, I believed that it was necessary. An article I read last night left me completely outraged at the media. Not a new thing, but this time it really hit home. Everyday I see so many girls who believe they are overweight when really they are just healthy.The cause of this feeling is articles like the one I read in Cosmo.

Cosmo titled their article  "Plus Size Supermodel Robyn Lawley Models Her Own Swimwear" The supermodel they are speaking of is the woman in the picture above. She is absolutely gorgeous, and while it was probably not Cosmo that deemed her a "plus size" model, it was the fashion idustry, Cosmo is only perpetuating these beliefs.

The last thing any girl wants is to read an article about a plus size model and realize they are the same size or a little larger. They then believe that they are fat or at least not the size everyone seems to think they should be. It is just ridiculous and I cannot get over it. Every girl/woman should be live she is beautiful no matter what.

The quest for wellness is not to get skinny and pretty, it is to be healthy. Self-image is a part of it though. I hope that on the journey to wellness your self-image will improve, but that doesn't mean there has to be any noticeable difference in how you look. It means that from the inside you begin to believe in your self and have confidence in every aspect of life.

This article made me think of  a video I had seen about a month ago. It showed how much editors Photoshop the women that go into their magazines. The body we all aspire to have is manufactured. It is not real. That body that everyone wants, is fake and can only be produced on a computer. I long for every girl to learn this, so she can be confident because nothing breaks my heart more than anything when people who are beautiful are uncomfortable in their own skin. The video is below.

Being in dance from a young age, and spending many hours in front of mirror with other girls, it was easy to compare myself to them, and find every single one of my faults. I know this is something many girls go through, and some even to a greater extent. It is the media's fault for putting a screwed up image what is beautiful is in our minds.

It has been a battle going on for a long time, but we need to persist. If we cannot change the industry the way we would like we need to make sure every young girl  in our lives know that they are beautiful and that the girls in the magazines should be viewed in a similar way to how we view Disney princesses. They are pretty, but they are make believe.

Check out the daily challenge in the right-hand margin. It will help with your self confidence!

One last note: One of my readers (my Aunt Sandy) had another great tip for getting fit on a budget. She mentioned that spending the money up front to get certified to teach fitness classes is worth it because of the benefits you get once you start teaching at a gym. Also, if you are teaching a class, you cant skip it! So it makes working out a must.

My sources are below, please post comments or questions! Thank you for reading!!

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